Coaching (Teens)

(boys and girls)

6 Week Program

Benevolent Young Warrior - The dynamic intersection of boxing and personal growth, instilling resilience, assertiveness, and self-awareness in teens embracing their inner strength.

Week 1 - Strong Foundation & Breath

Week 2 - Boxing Mechanics & Defensive Responsibility

Week 3 - Range & Positioning

Week 4 - The Squared Circle & Fancy Footwork

Week 5 - Balance & Composure

Week 6 - Sparring Fundamentals

6-week journey

1:1 Private Coaching

Benevolent Young Warrior

Weeks 1-2

Week 1 - Structure & Personal Timeline

Week 2 - Airbending & Your Powerful Avatar

Weeks 3-4

Week 3 - Practicing Patience & Choice

Week 4 - Awareness & The Game I’m playing

Weeks 5-6

Week 5 - Differentiation & The Future

Week 6 - Reflection & Celebration


*Payment plans and partial scholarships are available

I cannot say enough positive things about Alejandro's approach. When my daughter told me she wanted to learn how to box I was not so sure about it. Speaking on the phone with him I got a feel for his background and motivation while he got a better understanding of what my daughter was seeking and it started to become clear he could be a great teacher for her. Fast forward to a few months later and she is feeling strong and centered and increasingly capable. Alejandro is a coach that takes into account the whole student and what is motivating them to learn these skills. I delight in watching my daughters confidence and skills grow with his thoughtful, powerful training!

Jennifer D.



  • Sessions are minimum 60 minutes and maximum 75 minutes.

  • More than likely … YES. But please reach out. I’m happy to chat about whether my coaching approach is the right fit for you and your young one.

  • Yes. Safety is a top priority. While I do push my students beyond their comfort zones, we maintain a controlled and supportive fun envioronment at all times.

  • All equipment is provided for free until you get your own sorted out (which I will totally help you with).

    -Boxing Gloves



    -Yoga Mat

  • Absolutely, I hope so! This 6-Week program is just the beginning of our journey together.

    Currently, I have one student who has been with me for over 2 years, and approximately three others who have been with me for at least 1 year.

Alejandro has been an amazing instructor. From mentoring to consulting with me in different forms. He has provided amazing advice and has inspired me to push myself to my personal limits. He’s extremely open minded and curious when it comes to my well being and what I have to express with my own personal life and what I have experienced through working with him. He’s an outstanding teacher and is very patient and passionate with his students. I would recommend anyone to join!

Eleynah S.

-High School Student

I’d love to develop life long relationships with my students. 🌱

A relationship in where the parents and I are also in relationship with each other. 🔑

One in where we can hop on a call and share about our current challenges with raising little teenage humans.

One in where we can meet for coffee and laugh about the beauty that comes with being a parent. ✨

Celebrating our wins together, collaborating on how to best support your young one. 🧩

Modeling to your young warrior what a TEAM can look like.

What commUnity can look like. 💫

Through the vehicle of this beautiful sport of boxing along with my coaching experience and heart for helping the youth/families.

We can create something really beautiful together. ❤️

It’s more than just Boxing.

- Coach Alejandro

*Group Opportunities coming soon!

Schedule your Discovery Call to get on the waiting list.