meet Your coach

Alejandro's deep passion lies in supporting humanity during these interesting times.

Recognizing the difficulties that surround us, he firmly believes in the importance of individuals cultivating self-regulation, allowing them to find stability and strength within themselves before extending help to others. Through his expertise in boxing, Alejandro utilizes it as a powerful metaphor for life.

Everything that happens inside of the boxing ring happens to you outside. Life is going to throw you some hurtful shots, knock you down and beat you up pretty bad at times. How are you going to respond to life’s inevitable blows?

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”

Life can be challenging, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Who’s in your corner?

Alejandro provides you with his grounded presence, attuned to the needs of each individual. A stern but gentle guide who teaches, offers honest reflections, gently (and sometimes not so gently) challenges the stories you tell yourself, and inspires you to embrace the highest version of yourself.

Through coaching with Alejandro, you will develop the essential skills to effectively monitor and manage your behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the ring. You will gain the confidence to assert yourself, stand up for yourself & set clear boundaries while taking up space with presence and power.

Together, we will work towards empowering you to live a life of authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment. Ready to respond to life's challenges and opportunities with clarity and intention.

& you get to look pretty badass in the process and have an incredibly fun time.

Are you ready?


How you do one thing is how you do everything

When is the last time you committed to something? I mean like actually committed?

“Alejandro has been an amazing instructor. From mentoring to consulting with me in different forms. He has provided amazing advice and has inspired me to push myself to my personal limits. He’s extremely open minded and curious when it comes to my well being and what I have to express with my own personal life and what I have experienced through working with him. He’s an outstanding teacher and is very patient and passionate with his students. I would recommend anyone to join!”

- Leynie S.

18, College Student


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